How to Rewrite Your Article

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Rewriting is a key part of the writing process. Your first draft will likely be full of fluff, jargon, and unnecessary words. However, by rewriting your article—or any other piece of writing—you can make it more concise and clear while keeping its meaning intact. The benefits of rewriting include better grammar and spelling, less repetition, clearer explanations, and a more powerful ending that leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Rewriting has many benefits; among them are clarity and conciseness.

Rewriting has many benefits; among them are clarity and conciseness. When you rewrite, you can more easily find the best way to say something. You will often discover that there are several ways to express an idea and that one option is more effective than another. For example, it may be better to write “The old man was sitting on a bench outside the library” rather than “There was an old man who was sitting on a bench outside of my library.”

You also might find yourself using fewer words as you work through potential sentences for your article or blog post. This is known as paring down language until only its most essential elements remain — in other words, getting rid of unnecessary words — which leads us into our next benefit: better word choice!

Read your article out loud.

Reading your article aloud is the best way to discover where it falls short. When you read your writing out loud, you will be able to hear if there are any awkward or confusing sentences. You will also be able to detect when a sentence is too long or too short, making it easier with for you to rewrite those passages that need improvement.

Reading your article aloud can also help identify problems with flow and rhythm as well as spelling errors such as homophones (words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings), poor transitions between paragraphs, and missing words or phrases in sentences (e.g., “it” instead of “is”).

Re-read your article as if you were an expert in the field.

The next step is to read your work as if you were an expert in that field. If you’re not already an expert, get someone who is to read it and give feedback. Then, take their feedback and read it with a beginner’s eye. This way, you’ll be able to see if there are any parts that might go over someone’s head because they’re too complicated or because they assume a certain level of knowledge on the part of your reader.

Cut words you don’t really need.

Now that you’ve cleaned up the grammar, it’s time to cut words.

First, cut out the unnecessary ones. For example: “our” can often be replaced with “we.” The sentence “I gave him a ride home” doesn’t need a preposition like “to,” which adds nothing but length to your sentence. Cut out filler words like “it’s” and “they’re” and remove unnecessary punctuation like semicolons or commas where they don’t belong.

Second, cut down on adjectives and adverbs by using more concrete verbs instead—for example, rather than saying something is “very good” or “extremely bad,” say what it does: it’s great for eating pizza; we had an extremely poor experience here today! You’ll notice how much shorter these sentences are than their longer counterparts.”

Do nothing for a few minutes and then come back to it.

Next, take a break from your article. Once you’ve finished writing, try to let it sit for a few minutes before you go back and read it again. This will give you time to come back with fresh eyes and see if there are any errors or issues that need addressing.

Similarly, now is also the perfect time to ask friends or family members who have no vested interest in the content of your article what they think about it—they might have some suggestions for improvements that aren’t immediately obvious!

Finally, check spelling errors one last time before posting it online or printing out hard copies so no one has to misspell “giraffe” on Facebook when sharing their thoughts on how awesome giraffes are

Check for proper grammar, spelling, etc.

After the first draft, you should check for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This can be done quickly by using a tool. It’s an online spell-checker that also checks how well your writing is structured.

It can point out common mistakes such as using the wrong words and not using commas properly. It will also highlight any sentence fragments or other grammatical errors in your article.

It might take some time to get used to terminology but it’s worth it because the program will help you improve your content and make sure it is clear and easy-to-read for all readers!


Now that you’re a pro at rewriting articles, we hope that you can put your skills to good use. Rewriting helps you clarify your ideas, make them more concise and more accessible to your readers. It also helps you find ways to cut unnecessary words and phrases out of your writing so that it becomes easier on the eyes—and reading is always better than reading!