How to Repair a Regina Microwave after It Broke – The Easiest Way!

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Microwave ovens are wonderful and all, but sometimes they leave you with a bit of a mess. Whether it’s the splatter from the bowl as it’s beeping out the last of your dinner or the bits of food that have managed to get stuck in your teeth as you’re trying to bite down on the next mouthful, it can be a messy process when you open your microwave. To make matters even worse, some microwaves don’t come with clear instructions on how to repair a lemon!

Fortunately microwave repair Regina is very simple once you know where to look. The good news is that most microwaves are repairable – so long as you follow these simple steps:

Look Inside Your Microwave

Once you’ve located the malfunctioning screen, gently push it out of the microwave with the corner of your hand. Once the door is open, use a sharp knife to carefully remove the plate inside. If you’re dealing with a “front-loading” model, be careful not to cut yourself.

You’re trying to gently “scrape” the inside of the machine to get the food waste out, not cut yourself. Don’t forget to wash your hands after removing the waste from your microwave.

Don’t Forget To Test It Out!

Once you’ve replaced the part and saved yourself the troubleshooting, it’s time to test the machine out. Place a small item inside and see if it works. If not, you’ve got several more steps for your microwave repair Regina.

However, if the item works when tested out, you can simply replace the part and save yourself the troubleshooting. However, if the item doesn’t work when tested out, you’ve got several more steps before repairing your microwave in Regina.

Look at all of the Screens

The first stage in any repair is to look at all of the screens on your microwave. These are the panels that control the various functions, such as the cooking time, the power indicator, the lit status, and the power setting. Of course, if the microwave has malfunctioned in some way, these screens will be dark or unresponsive. If this is the case, your repair will be more difficult.

However, all microwaves have several screens, so it’s not necessary to look at each one individually. By flipping the microwave on its side, you can essentially “scan” the inside of the machine and determine which screen needs to be replaced. If you’re lucky enough to have a “front-loading” model, the “Defrost” and “Cook” settings will already be broken. As such, these two screens can be replaced as part of the “Defrost”/“Cook” panel.

Take Down Crimping Pliers

When you’re all finished, you should store your microwave in a safe place. However, some of the more stubborn food particles might still be able to make their way inside and cause damage. To make sure nothing bad is left inside, you should try to take down any stubborn crimping pliers before storing your machine.

When you see these pliers, don’t just drop them to the ground — throw them in the microwave for a couple of seconds to heat them a bit and loosen the wire that holds them together. This wire is what keeps your machine together and it might be coming to lose. If this is the case, all you have to do is push down on the wire with your finger to release it and your machine should be free of clogging up spit or teeth.

Look at Your Microwave’s Control Panel

Once you’ve cleaned out the rest of the machine, use the control panel to test it out. If everything is in working order, you can simply replace the broken part and save yourself the trouble of removing the rest of the machine. If not, simply test the unit out. Turn it on, heat something, and see if it works as expected. If it doesn’t, you’ve got several more steps to go before you can repair your microwave.


If your microwave has ever stopped working or started making a mess when it’s been working, there is likely a problem with the control panel. The most common problems with a broken microwave are bad circuit boards and broken springs. If you take the proper precautions and follow the steps outlined above, you shouldn’t have to deal with a broken microwave for too long.